RHEONIK Messgeräte GmbH
REV. I, Apr. 2004
Operation Manual RHE 07, 08, 11
17 Inputs and outputs Current outputs #1 and #2 (analog)
First select the variable to be output on channel #1 or #2 from among the following (press + or
20mAOut1 = Flow
- Flow
- Dens
- Temp
Second select life zero (4 mA) for selected channel.
There are 3 modes for 4 - 20 mA output.
4 - 20 mA:
The output signal range is in between 4 - 20 mA.
Error status of analog output is 2 mA.
3.7 - 20 mA:
Output signal range is in between 3.7 - 20 mA.
Output error status is less than 3.7 mA.
4 - 22 mA:
Output signal range is in between 4 - 22 mA.
Output error status is above 22 mA.
After this, the first of two displays appears in order to scale the output. The first display enables you
to select the high numerical value of the variable that will be represented by 20 mA of current i.e.
20mA = XXXXX
Change that value by pr or
After the 20 mA value, you are shown a display to select the low value of the variable to correspond
to either 0, 3.7 or 4 mA of current, depending on the option you selected previously. Scale the output
similarly to the 20 mA value (
0mA = XXXX
After pressing the
button, the analog output display is shown to enable you to configure the
channel #2 output. All setting procedures are the same as for channel #1.