User Manual
Reference number: 4111A-RADAR4600-GBD-R1.1
Date: 27 February 2018
Page 55 of 149
It is also possible to determine a reference target by input
of known Lat/Long values into the regarding data cells.
After setting the coordinates, the button ‘Apply Changes’
must be clicked, to activate this position as the reference
Fixed Tracked Target Tracked target as
Reference Target
If the Reference Target function is not needed furthermore, it can be finished as follows:
Select menu 'Reference Target'
Click menu-button 'Deactivate'.
If a Reference Target is activated, the AIS-function and the overlay of geographically referenced maps
are disabled. Same degrading happens in case that a two axis log is used for speed and course over
Echo reference targets are only used for the calculation of true speed. Be aware, that using reference
targets for collision avoidance purposes may be dangerous, because set and drift influences are not
taken into account.