The Security Settings section allows the user to change the system password.
Any change to the password will affect access to the protected submenus on
the dialer as well as web UI access. The password has a minimal length of four
digits, any other characters are not allowed. Once a valid password has been
entered, it needs to be entered a second time to protect against typos and
unwanted changes.
If recent calls is enabled, the phone will keep a list of recent phone calls in its
memory which can be browsed using the dialer.
Enabling the web access setting allows the FLX UC unit to be accessed using a
web browser. If this setting is disabled, web access is not possible to the phone
and the setting needs to be changed either through the dialer, or a parameter
change as part of a DHCP auto configuration.
When Require https is enabled, the web interface will switch from http to https.
Please note than when using https, as the device cannot have a certified
security certificate, your web browser will warn you of a potentially unsecure
Dialer Restrictions