Basic Operations
SIP phone operations
Prior to making any SIP based phone calls on the FLX UC 1000 or FLX UC
1500, the conference phone must be registered with a call manager.
Dialing a Number
There are several ways to dial a telephone number from the FLX UC 1000 or
FLX UC 1500 dialer.
If the phone is configured for VoIP as the default call line, press the green off-
hook button provides dial tone and allows a number to be entered. The phone
will use a time-out period to determine that the number is completely entered,
and dial the number.
A phone configured for VoIP as the default call line will also enter the dialer
screen automatically if numbers are entered. Once all numbers are entered,
pressing the off-hook button will have the phone dial the entered number.
Whether the phone is configured default VoIP or USB, pressing the “New Call”
button on the dialer will bring up an additional question to select VoIP or USB.
If VoIP is selected, the dialer screen opens and a number can be dialed.
And lastly, the dialer screen can be entered from the Main Menu by selecting
the “Dialer” sub menu.
To dial a number that begins with a plus sign (“+”), press and hold the 0 button
until the “+”appears. Please note that the call manager needs to be configured
to allow dial strings including the “+” symbol.
To include pauses in the dial string, press and hold the “*” key. Pauses are
identified by a “,” symbol in the dial string.
Redialing a Number
The Redial button will redial the last number used to place an outgoing call.
To redial a different number from the recent calls list, open the recent calls list
by either pressing the [Calls] soft key at the bottom of the screen, or select the
“Recents” menu from the Main Menu. Using the navigation buttons select the
desired number and press the green off-hook button to initiate the call, or