Restarting the Phone
To restart the phone, choose Restart from the User menu or Administrator menu on the
left of the page. On the Restart page click the Restart button as shown below.
The page will indicate that the system is restarting. After the phone has restarted,
choose the web browser’s refresh option to refresh the web session. You will return to
the Login page.
Logging Out of the Web Session
When you login to the FLX web interface, the web session will remain active for fifteen
minutes. Once the session times out, the user will need to login again. This is a security
measure to protect against unwanted access if the web client is left unattended. To
force the web session to close before the timeout interval, choose Logout from the User
Menu or Administrator Menu on the left of the page, then click the Logout button as
shown below.
Administrator Settings
In the upper right corner click the Administrator link to access the Administrator settings.
The Administrator Menu will appear on the left side of the page showing these options:
SIP Registration
SIP Configuration
Call Settings
Advanced Audio
RF Settings
Access Control
Language and Country
System Log
Call Status
Choose an Administrator Menu option to show the corresponding page.