Cleaning and service
Pos : 7. 2 / 00005 Übersc hrift en/1. Übersc hrift en/1 Rei nigung und Wart ung @ 0\ mod_1231167007723_9.doc @ 5450 @
6 Cleaning and service
Pos : 7. 3 / 00004 War nhi nweis e/ General WARNUNG Rei nigung Str omst oß neu @ 1\ mod_1236239978437_9.doc @ 7686 @
Risk of a fatal electric shock
An electric shock can cause injuries in the form of burns and cardiac
arrhythmia, respiratory arrest or cardiac arrest.
Do not clean the blender under running water. Use only a cloth dampened
with water.
• Disconnect the power supply plug before cleaning the blender.
Pos : 7. 4 / 00010 Bedienungsanlei tungen/ 00140 Kapi tels ammlung Paddl e Blender/ 0004 PB R einig ung/ 0401 PB M odul R ei nigung @ 2\ mod_1262948196805_9.doc @ 18439 @
The rounded easily accessible surfaces allow effortless access to the size
reduction chamber.
Use kitchen towels or a soft cloth soaked in warm water to clean the size reduction
chamber at the end of every day.
Never spray cleaning agents directly onto the plate shafts.
Disinfect the size reduction chamber afterwards with alcohol 70%.
Fig. 10: Preparing for Cleaning
• Lift the door so that the size reduction chamber is completely free (
• Pull the waste collecting receptacle out.