Transport, scope of delivery, installation
Temperature fluctuations
The machine may be subject to strong temperature fluctuations during transport
(e.g. aircraft transport)
The resultant condensed water may damage electronic components.
Protect the machine from condensed water.
Pos : 4. 10 /00005 Ü berschrif ten/ 1. 1 Ü bersc hrift en/ 1. 1 Übersc hrift en BD A/ 11 Bedingungen f ür den Aufst ellort @ 0\ mod_1226497029322_9. doc @ 3428 @
3.4 Conditions for the place of installation
Pos : 4. 11 /00003 St andard Kapit el/ General M odul U mgebungst emper at ur 15°C - 30°C @ 2\ mod_1262860184078_9. doc @ 18333 @
Ambient temperature: 15°C to 30°C
Pos : 4. 12 /00004 Warnhinweis e/G ener al HIN WEI S U mgebungst emperatur 15°C bis 30°C @ 2\ mod_1262860320012_9.doc @ 18341 @
Ambient temperature
- Electronic and mechanical components can be damaged and the performance
characteristics can change to an unknown extent.
Keep within the permissible temperature range for the device. (15°C to
30°C/ambient temperature).
Pos : 4. 13 /00003 St andard Kapit el/ General M odul Luftf euchtigkeit @ 0\ mod_1228918538693_9. doc @ 4738 @
Atmospheric humidity:
Maximum relative humidity 80% at temperatures up to 31°C, decreasing linearly up
to 50% relative humidity at 40°C
Pos : 4. 14 /00004 Warnhinweis e/G ener al HIN WEI S Luf tf euchtig keit @ 0\ mod_1228918882628_9. doc @ 4788 @
Atmospheric humidity
Electronic and mechanical components may be damaged and the
performance data alter to an unknown extent.
Do not exceed the admissible range for atmospheric humidity.
Pos : 4. 15 /00005 Ü berschrif ten/ 1. 1 Ü bersc hrift en/ 1. 1 Übersc hrift en BD A/ 11 Aufs tell en des Ger ät es @ 0\ mod_1226498849756_9.doc @ 3464 @
3.5 Installation of the machine
Pos : 4. 16 /00004 Warnhinweis e/G ener al VOR SICHT H erabf allen des G erätes / St andfes tigkeit @ 1\ mod_1248178329919_9.doc @ 11690 @
Device falling down
Incorrect assembly or unsuitable workplace
- The appliance is very heavy and can therefore cause serious personal injuries if
it falls down.
Operate the device only on a sufficiently large, firm, skid-resistant and
steady workplace.
Make sure that all equipment feet are steady.
Pos : 4. 17 /00010 Bedi enungsanleit ung en/00140 Kapit elsamml ung Paddle Bl ender/0001 Paddle Bl ender Kapitel Trans port und Aufs tell ung/ 010 3 PB Modul Aufs tell en Unt ergrund Ersc hütt erung @ 2\ mod_1262773774506_9. doc @ 18224 @
While the device is running, it vibrates normally. The device must stand on an
even, stable and balanced supporting surface.
The work surface, on which the device is standing, must be clean and dry.
Pos : 4. 18 /00003 St andard Kapit el/ General M odul Aufst ellungshöhe @ 0\ mod_1228918538349_9.doc @ 4724 @
Installation height: maximum 2000 m above sea level
Pos : 4. 19 /00004 Warnhinweis e/G ener al HIN WEI S Auf stell ung Z ugang G erätest ec kdos e @ 0\ mod_1233836960983_9.doc @ 5820 @