The electronic cell ( electrostatic precipitator) is one of most important parts of the unit.
The unit employs a two-stage electronic cell for particulates collection. It has a stage of
ionizer wires and a stage of collector plates. The ionizer wires are maintained at several
thousand volts, which produce a corona that releases electrons into the air stream. As
the dirty air passes through the intense high voltage electric field surrounded the ionizer
wires, all particles, even the smallest are given an electric charge. The air passes into
the collector stage where the alternate parallel plates have positive and negative
charges, creating a uniform electrostatic field. Since opposites attract, the charged
particles stick to the collector plates, having an opposite electric charge. Consequently,
the air leaving the air purifier contains very few particles. Theses electrons attach to dust
particles and give them a net negative charge.
The second stage, the collector
section of the cell is the collecting
section composed of alternate
parallel plates which are positive
plates and ground plates. When the
positively charged particles are
passing through the collecting
section they will be trapped by the
ground plates.
The first stage, the ionizer section
of the cell is the charging section
composed of ionizing wires and
grounded plates. When the power
supply provide high voltage to
ionizing wires it create a strong
electrical field and give charges to
the particles in the air stream.
Some of the charged particles are
attracted to the ground plates.
How does electronic cell work?
The high voltage power supply provides the cell high voltage to the ionizer section and low voltage to the collector
section through the two power contact terminals. If the power supply is broken the cell cannot work, failing to collect
the particulates in the air.
1st stage
1st stage
2nd stage
2nd stage