Ozone Molecules converted from oxygen (left) as a result
of an electrical charge, such as that provided by lightning
or UV lights .
Unlike electronic cell, the ion generators don't remove the particulate matter, they only cause them to accumulate and attach
themselves to various surfaces around the room. This means that ion generators only have a temporary effect of eliminating
particles from the air. Once the particles lose the charge, they become airborne again. Those charged particles are more easily
trapped in the human respiratory system. Ion generators can produce ozone, either as a by-product of use or intentionally.
Some air purifiers use negative ion generators, which are installed at the air outlet to fresh the purified air. Negative ion has
proven to be successful in reducing the overproduction of serotonin, and therefore successful in alleviating depression in some
Electret media filter-synthetic (Hybrid Filters)
Electret media filter is a hybrid of a mechanical filter and electrostatic filter or an ion
generator in an integrated single filter. The media filter made from synthetic fibers is
inherently negatively charged in the manufacturing process and retains a charge
which attracts airborne particles that are trapped and retained within the fibers in
the conventional methods of impingement. In some cases, ionizers are used to
increase the efficiency of the trapped media. These filters obtain a moderate
efficiency on smaller particles than the electronic cell. Electret media filters must be
changed or cleaned regularly to maintain system efficiency, as the fibers loose their
electrostatic charge as they become soiled.
Negative ion-negative ion generator
Negative ions are negatively-charged electrical particles that are magnetically
attracted to allergens and other airborne contaminates, which are positively-
charged. The newly-formed larger particles are than able to fall harmlessly to the
ground, and out of the air we breathe.
The electret media filter, also
called as hybrid filter, or synthetic
Ozone-ozone generator
Ozone is a molecule with three atoms of oxygen, either directly
or as a by product of ionization and electrical precipitation. High
voltage causes the oxygen molecules in the air to create ozone
(O3). Ozone does not trap particles, but can remove odors in
the air. Manufacturers of air cleaner systems that produce ozone
may refer to the ozone as "Supercharged Oxygen", "Activated
Oxygen" or "Enhanced Oxygen" Ozone molecules are
converted from oxygen molecules. The ozone molecule (O3) is
highly reactive, so whenever it encounters a floating particulate,
one of the oxygen atoms breaks away to oxidize the pollutant.
This leaves behind O2 (pure oxygen), refreshing the air even
more. Ozone generators do not utilize filters. These machines
operate by introducing the highly reactive molecule, Ozone (O3)
into the air.
This process dissipates air borne pollutants comparably the way that bleaching agents are used to sterilize water. However,
ozone is of concern when considering spaces for human occupancy. The high concentration levels required for contaminant
control are in conflict with potential health effects as established by authorities including the National Institute of Occupational
Safety and Health (NIOSH), and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The problem is that there is much controversy
surrounding the use of these machines as "air cleaners". Ozone is considered a hazardous workplace chemical by O.S.H.A.
(U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration), and is also considered an air pollutant that requires regulation by the
E.P.A. (Environmental Protection Agency. Ozone may also be particularly harmful to people with asthma.