Description of the device
14 — English
Servitec 35-120 with Touch controller — 06.07.2016 - Rev. B
The device combines the functions make-up and degassing of water for the plant system:
Gas-rich water is conveyed via the make-up line connection from the plant system to the vacuum spray tube.
Additional freshwater is conveyed via the make-up line connection from the plant system to the vacuum spray tube.
A freshwater make-up occurs if there is a pressure drop in the plant system.
Sequence of a degassing cycle in the vacuum spray tube
Create vacuum in the spray tube
Idling time
The degassing operation uses timer-controlled cycles. A cycle comprises the following phases:
1. Create vacuum in the spray tube.
– The pump starts and conveys water from the vacuum spray tube The pump transports more water from the spray tube than
can be transported via the connection lines of the water make-up. A vacuum is created.
2. Injection
– Opening of the solenoid valves in the make-up lines routes gas-rich water into the spray tube. It is atomised by nozzles in the
spray tube. The atomised water is degassed in the vacuum of the spray tube because of the large surface area resulting from
the atomisation. The degassed water is returned to the plant system via the vacuum pump. The overflow valve means that the
pump is set to a constant working pressure. The working pressure depends on the respective plant system.
3. Discharge
– The pump shuts down. The pressure in the plant system causes more water to be injected into the vacuum spray tube and
degassed. The water level in the vacuum spray tube rises. The gases released in the vacuum spray tube are released into the
ambient atmosphere via the degassing valves.
4. Idling time
– When the gas has been discharged, the device will remain in idle until the next cycle is started. Post-degassing occurs during
the idling time.