2.8.2 A Brief guide to R-BUS and CANBUS systems
R-Bus and CANBus systems include devices designed to work in a daisy-chain network.
A terminating resistor must be present at each end to terminate the network.
REDARC Manager 15 & 30 have this resistor built in, thus removing the need to add
an extra terminating resistor to one end of the system. The other end of the network
should be terminated by inserting the supplied Terminating Resistor into the last device
in the network (for example, into the RedVision Display in the diagram on page 22). If no
Manager 15 or 30 is used, insert the supplied terminating resistors into both the Display
and the Distribution Box.
CAN Device
Terminating Resistor
BMS (with built in terminating resistor)
CAN Backbone
CAN Cables