RealCareer® Welding Solutions – guideWELD® LIVE real welding guidance system
Assembly Instructions
Speed Sensor and Speed Shield Assembly
Connect the Speed Sensor and Speed Shield to the base by attaching the two screw knobs.
Both sides of each have pre-drilled holes.
1. Position threaded holes on
the Speed Sensor (orange
arrows) to the inside of the
base arm (green arrows)
2. Position the threaded holes
on Speed Shield Bracket
(orange arrows) to the
outside of the base arm
(blue arrows)
3. Line up the 2 screw knobs*
to the outside of the
Speed Shield Bracket
to the base arm
(red arrows)
4. Screw until tight
* These knobs are also used for adjusting the alignment of the Speed Sensor.
Helmet and Angle
Sensor Assembly
Connect the Helmet with the Angle Sensor by plugging
in the white cord plug of the Angle Sensor with the
black cable jack connector**
1. This is located on the right side of the guideWELD LIVE
Helmet, wrapped over the Helmet’s halo.
** The Angle Sensor comes pre-assembled.
battery installation on page 5 >