RealCareer® Welding Solutions – guideWELD® LIVE real welding guidance system
Diagnostics is used for troubleshooting purposes. There are four levels
of diagnostics: Turn Logging On/Off, Helmet, Angle Sensor and Speed
Sensor. Read the information below for the purpose of each level. These
processes should only be done in a troubleshooting interaction.
Turn Logging On/Off
The SD card creates a log after each weld to show how the product functioned during that
weld. The SD card can hold up to five logs at one time. Once past five, the oldest log will be
removed. Logs are used by Realityworks’ Product Support team for troubleshooting.
If menu says “Turn Logging On” then Logging is currently off
If menu says “Turn Logging Off” then Logging is currently on
Turning the Logging feature on only affects future welds
Diagnostic testing on Helmet tests the screen graphics for display issues.
Select Helmet and the screens will scroll through the test displaying white on black, black on
white, red and yellow indicators for Travel Angle, Work Angle and Speed, white to black, and
multi color.
Angle Sensor
Diagnostic testing on Angle Sensor tests the connection to the Helmet.
1. Connect the Angle Sensor to the Helmet
2. Turn on the Helmet
3. Go to the Main Menu, select Setup. Press the menu select button
4. Choose Diagnostics. Press the menu select button
5. Choose Hand Sensor. Press the menu select button
The screen will display either “Hand Sensor PASS” or “Hand Sensor FAIL”
Speed Sensor
Diagnostic testing on Speed Sensor tests speed tracking feature capabilities.
1. Turn on Helmet and Speed Sensor
2. Go to Main Menu, select Setup. Press the menu select button
3. Choose Diagnostics. Press the menu select button
4. Choose Speed Sensor. Press the menu select button
5. Shine an incandescent flashlight (LED will not work) up close to each red light on the
Speed Sensor board. Move flashlight from right to left
All 24 red LEDs should light up as the flashlight passes