RealCareer® Welding Solutions – guideWELD® LIVE real welding guidance system
Welding Icons/Guides
Welding Travel Angle Indicators
(right top screen in the Helmet)
Based on the designated WPS, the Helmet will indicate if the travel angle is too far right, too
far left or at the correct travel angle. The travel angle indicators’ (right arrow/left angle) size
will increase when the weld moves farther away from acceptable welding travel angle and
decrease as the weld moves toward the acceptable WPS standards. Correct travel angle
will show up as an equals sign. This will show up when the optimal acceptable WPS
standard is reached.
Welding Work Angle Indicators
(left top screen in helmet)
Based on the designated WPS, the Helmet will indicate if the work angle is too high, too low, or
at the correct work angle. The work angle indicators’ (up arrow/down arrow) size will increase
when the weld moves farther away from acceptable welding work angle and decrease as the
weld moves toward the acceptable WPS standards. Correct welding work angle will show up
as an equals sign. This will show up when the optimal acceptable WPS standard is reached.
Welding Speed Indicators
(left bottom screen in helmet)
Based on the designated WPS, the Helmet will indicate if the welding speed is going too fast,
too slow, or at the correct welding speed based on the welding guide. The speed indicators’
(plus/minus signs) size will increase when the weld moves farther away from acceptable
welding speed and decrease as the weld moves toward acceptable WPS standards.
Correct welding speed will show up as an equals sign. This will show up when the
optimal acceptable WPS standard is reached.
Rotate Travel Angle Right
Rotate Travel Angle Left
Move Work Angle Upward
Move Work Angle Downward
Increase Welding Speed
Decrease Welding Speed