Chapter 4
Functional description
RAYLASE 3-Axis Subsystems for Laser Beam Deflection
MN025 / v2.1.0
For subsystems with analog interface only
Functional principle of analog subsystems
1 Linear translator module
2 Beam input
3 Lens with linear movement
4 Focusing lens (or 2x, depending on model)
5 Spacer (depends on model) with mounting plate
for deflection unit
6 Deflection unit
7 Galvanometer scanner with mirror
8 Beam output
9 Operating field
10 Power supply of linear translator module
11 Analog input of linear translator module
12 Stepper motor interface (depends on model)
13 Analog input of deflection unit
14 Power supply of deflection unit
Fig. 3
principle of ana-
log subsystems