Racelogic Ltd
Data Logging
Speed Display Mode
The Speed Display Mode consists of one screen with a compass and current speed in a
large font, and will also give on-screen and audible notification of Points of Interest.
Points of Interest (POI)
In the Speed Display Mode, there is a ‘Points of Interest’ (POI) facility that can be used to
indicate when the vehicle is near to a pre-determined geographical position. This option is
active whenever the inserted SD card contains a valid.ov2 POI file. A common use of POI
files is to store the location of safety cameras, but custom POI files can also be created to
give locations of any other points that might be useful for testing purposes.
DriftBox will beep and display an icon on-screen whenever the vehicle moves within 250
meters of a POI, unless the vehicle is moving away from the POI. DriftBox can display
different icons for different locations, even within the same POI file, according to the
settings within the file.
The Points of Interest feature will only function if the relevant POI files are present on the
SD card. These files can be downloaded from various websites such as
. The only file format recognised by DriftBox is the .ov2 type.
If DriftBox is being used as a Safety Camera detector, note that this option is designed to
make you aware of potentially dangerous areas where they may be in force. We do not
guarantee that all of these areas are listed in any file you download. We accept NO liability
whatsoever in the event that you receive a speeding fine through not being warned by this
option on DriftBox. Nor do we guarantee the accuracy of the data either expressed or