Racelogic Ltd
DriftBoxTools Software
Displaying Drifting results
To extract and display Drifting results from a file press the Drift Mode button
in the Graph screen toolbar. This causes the software to scan the loaded
file and apply loaded sector file information to produce a Drifting data grid
showing the following data:
Peak Drift angle
Peak G
Average G
Average Speed
A G meter and Drift meter window also appear when the Drift Mode button is pressed.
When the replay facility is used to replay the loaded file, the G and Drift angle windows
display data from the file that corresponds to the cursor position as it moves through the
replaying data.
Displaying Drifting Data from a Logged file.
Click the Load all button to load a DriftBox file into the DriftBoxTools software.
If you don’t have a sector file relevant to the logged data then you will need to
create one. See the Graph screen chapter for full instruction of this process.
Press the Drift Mode button to scan the file and display results.
Displaying Lap Times
To display the lap times press the Lap Timing button in the Graph screen
toolbar. The software scans the currently loaded file and extracts lap times
and Vmax for each logged lap and displays the data in a Lap timing window.
Make sure you have already defined a start / finish line.
Including Split times
Click on the right hand arrow on the Lap timing button, then from the drop down menu
select ‘Lap timing with Splits’. Then if you have split lines defined the table will show the
split times as well as the Lap times for you file.
Loading and comparing individual laps in the Graph screen
Individual laps from the loaded file can be compared to each other in the graph screen
windows. Each lap shown in the Lap timing table has a Graph Icon associated with it in the
right hand column. Clicking one of these buttons allows that run to be graphed: