QuercusVL Programming Manual
3.39. ConfigurationDetector Class
Represents a generic detector of the configuration system. Each other detector type, comes
from this class.
For historical reasons, all the coordinates described in a detector will be defined in a 5
megapixel image (from 0 to 2559 and from 0 to 1919).
3.39.1. Properties
Detector identifier. This must be unique in the unit's detector list.
C++: int get_Id ( )
int VL_ConfigurationDetector_get_Id ( int h )
Returns the identifier.
In C, the parameter “h” is a handler of ConfigurationDetector.
C++: void put_Id ( int id )
void VL_ConfigurationDetector_put_Id ( int h, int id )
Modifies the identifier. The new value is set by parameter “id”.
In C, the parameter “h” is a handler of ConfigurationDetector.
C++: VLDetectorType get_Type ( )
int VL_ConfigurationDetector_get_Type ( int h )
Returns the detector type. See 3.56. VLLightType Type.
In C, the parameter “h” is a handler of ConfigurationDetector.
Shows if the detector has the generation of incidences enabled. If disabled, no
incidence will be generated in the detector.
C++: bool get_AreIncidencesEnabled ( )
int VL_ConfigurationDetector_get_AreIncidencesEnabled( int h )
Quercus Technologies