QuercusVL Programming Manual
C++: bool
ApplyOutputActuator( ConfigurationOutputActuator outputActuator,
VLConfigurationActionType action, int previousId )
int VL_Configuration_Apply_OutputActuator( int h, int hOutputActuator, int
action, int previousID )
Joins a new output actuator into the unit's output actuator list, or modifies an existing
one. The action done will depend on the parameter “action” (see 3.61.
VLConfigurationActionType Type type).
If an existing output actuator is going to be modified, the old identifier must be
specified (as it may have been modified) with the parameter “previousId”. If it is a new
output actuator which is going to be joined, then use value -1.
Returns true if action was successful, false otherwise.
In C the parameter “h” is a handler of
and hOutputActuator a handler of
C++: bool SetLanguage( const char* languageId )
int Configuration_SetLanguage ( int h, const char* languageId)
Sets the language of the configuration system, indicated as a 2-character code (ISO
639-1) ending with the character \0.
Returns true if it it has been possible to carry out the operation and false if not.
The parameters C
In C the parameter “h” is a Configuration handle.
C++: bool GetLanguage( char *buf, int bufLen)
int Configuration_GetLanguage ( int h, char* buf, int bufLen )
Gets the language currently configured on the configuration system, indicated as a 2-
character code (ISO 639-1) ending with the character \0. The parameter “buf” is a
pointer to a buffer where the code will be written. The parameter “bufLen” must
indicate the maximum size of this buffer in bytes.
Returns true if it it has been possible to carry out the request and false if not.
In C the parameter “h” is a Configuration handle.
Quercus Technologies