QuercusVL Programming Manual
14: “check direction” variable is wrong.
15: “delay time” variable is wrong.
16: “light type” variable is wrong.
17: “light radius” variable is wrong.
18: “light position” variable is wrong.
19: the order of the detector coordinates is wrong.
20: traffic lights does not have any red light defined.
21: traffic lights does not have enough lights defined.
22: traffic lights has too many lights defined.
23: red/amber light input is wrong.
24: red light and amber light use the same input.
25: traffic light id related with the detector is wrong.
26: “calculate metrics” variable is wrong.
27: “is video enabled” variable is wrong.
28: “pre video time” variable is wrong.
29: “post video time” variable is wrong.
30: output actuator has too many conditions defined.
31: “field” variable (of one of the conditions of an output actuator) is wrong.
32: “operator” variable (of one of the conditions of an output actuator) is
33: “value” variable (of one of the conditions of an output actuator) is
34: “output id” variable (of one of the conditions of an output actuator) is
35: “time” variable (of one of the conditions of an output actuator) is wrong.
36: “max. stop time” variable is wrong.
37: “last picture delay” variable is wrong.
38: “operator” variable (of one of the output actuators) is wrong.
39: “detectorId” variable (of one of the output actuators) is wrong.
4.9. Configuration messages
Configuration messages are sent and received through different ports (also configurable) than
the rest of messages, because they make a subsystem completely independent from the
detection system.
The format of these messages, as well as the communications protocol, is identical to the rest
of messages, however, communication messages don't have to come from the IP address
Quercus Technologies