QuercusVL Programming Manual
8.1.2. JPEG file
The name of the JPEG file of an incidence is /Log/Incidence/<IncidenceId_ImageId>.jpg,
where “IncidenceId” is the incidence identifier left padded with zeros until reaching eight
digits, and “ImageId” is the capture identifier inside the incidence. The file contains the
image, and data from recognition inserted into JPEG headers. This information is also used to
calculate the digital watermark of the image, so image data, incidence data and time of
capture are joined together, and it can prove that no manipulation has been made.
8.1.3. AVI file
The name of the avi file from an incidnet is /Log/Incidence/<IncidenceId>.avi, where
“IncidenceId” is the incidence el identifier, left padded with zeros until reaching eight digits.
The file contains:
Video recording of the incidence codified to MPEG using the codec fourcc FMP4.
Incidence data inserted into strings; these strings are written at the start of AviChunk
Digital sign of the whole video file. This way joins incidence data, video and time stamp
together, and it can prove that no manipulation has been made.
Written at the end of the AviChunk JUNK.
8.2. Protocol encryption
In order to force the unit to send and receive only encrypted messages, the parameter
“Communications/Password” must be filled in. On the other side, to make the DLL only send
and receive encrypted messages, the parameter “Communications/Password” of its
configuration file must also be set.
The DLL is unable to manage a system where some units have their encryption enabled and
others don't. Neither a system comprising units with different encryption passwords.
However, this features can be implemented programming directly with the communications
8.2.1. Encryption format
The implemented encryption algorithm is AES in its variations AES-128, AES-192 or AES-256
depending on the password length. The block encryption mode is CBC (Cipher-block chaining)
Quercus Technologies