QuercusVL Programming Manual
C++: int GetOutputActuatorsCount()
int VL_Configuration_Get_OutputActuatorsCount ( int h )
Returns the number of configured output actuators.
In C the parameter “h” is a handler of
C++: ConfigurationOutputActuator GetOutputActuator( int index, int id )
int VL_Configuration_Get_OutputActuator( int h, int index, int id )
Returns an output actuator from the unit's output actuator list, which is specified by
one of the following two parameters:
Index: position of the output actuator the list of output actuators of the unit.
Id: output actuator's identifier.
Only one of them can be used; in the parameter not used, -1 must be indicated.
In C++, if there is no ConfigurationOutputActuator with the specified index/position,
returns an invalid one; in C returns null.
In C, when the object is needed no more, the function
VL_ConfigurationOutputActuator_Release must be called (see Release method from
ConfigurationOutputActuator class)
In C the parameter “h” is a handler of
C++: bool DeleteOutputActuator( int index, int id )
int VL_Configuration_Delete_OutputActuator( int h, int index, int id )
Deletes an output actuator from the unit's output actuator list, which is specified by one
of the following two parameters:
Index: position of the output actuator the list of output actuators of the unit.
Id: output actuator's identifier.
Only one of them can be used; in the parameter not used, -1 must be indicated.
Returns true if deletion was successful, false otherwise.
In C the parameter “h” is a handler of
Quercus Technologies