Technical Guide: RDMS Telnet and Serial Control
Quasonix, Inc.
Lock detect output = Lock detect active High (+) normal operation
Sync detect output = Sync detect active High (+) normal operation Forward Error Correction - FEC
Forward Error Correction requires the K7 option in the serial number.
The FEC command displays and controls Forward Error Correction settings. Available settings vary depending on
the selected mode. FEC Settings for BPSK
FEC [RS <e>]
- Sets Reed-Solomon enable to <e>
where: <e> - Enable
0 - Disabled
1 - Enabled
FEC [RSI <i>]
- Sets Reed-Solomon interleave to <i>, 1 to 8
FEC [CV <e>]
- Sets convolutional decode enable to <e>
where: <e> - Enable
0 - Disabled
1 - Enabled
FEC [CVS <e>]
- Sets convolutional symbol decode enable to <e>
where: <e> - Enable
0 - Disabled
1 - Enabled
FEC [S <m> <s>]
- Sets soft decision scale for mode <m> to <s>, -32.000 to 31.984
where: <m> - Mode
V - Viterbi K = 7 Rate = 1/2
FEC [ASM <t>]
- Sets ASM threshold to <t>, 0 to 65535 FEC Settings for AQPSK
FEC [<d> RS <e>]
- Sets Reed-Solomon enable for data <d> to <e>
where: <e> - Enable
0 - Disabled
1 - Enabled
FEC [RSI <i>]
- Sets Reed-Solomon interleave to <i>, 1 to 8