Layer 2/3/4 Managed Switch
User’s Guide 311/1523
Configuration Commands
This command adds a new user (account) if space permits. The default privilege level is 1. The account
<username> can be up to eight characters in length. The name may be comprised of alphanumeric
characters as well as the dash (‘-’) and underscore (‘_’). The <username> is not case-sensitive. Six user
names can be defined.
This command changes the password of an existing operator. User password should not be more than
eight characters in length. If a user is authorized for authentication or encryption is enabled, the
password must be eight alphanumeric characters in length. The username and password are not
sensitive. When a password is changed, a prompt will ask for the operator’s former password. If
none, press enter.
username <username> {passwd <0|7> <
> | nopasswd | level <
no username <username>
<username> -
is a new user name (Range: up to 8 characters).
<0|7> -
0 means the password is plain-text. 7 means the password is encrypted. When 7 is used, the
password must be exactly 128 hexadeciaml characters in length. Maximum plain-text password
length is 64 characters.
no -
This command removes a user name created before.
nopassword -
This command sets the password of an existing operator to blank. When a password
is changed, a prompt will ask for the operator's former password. If none, press enter.
<level> -
The user level. Level 0 can be assigned by a level 15 user to another user to suspend that
’s access. Range 0-15. Enter access level 1 for Read Access or 15 for Read/Write Access. If not
specified where it is optional, the privilege level is 1.
The admin user account cannot be deleted.
The special characters allowed in the password include ! # $ % &
‘ ( ) * + , - / ; < = > @ [ \ ] ^ _
` { | } ~
Default Setting
No password
Command Mode
Global Config