Layer 2/3/4 Managed Switch
User’s Guide 559/1523
Show Commands
show ip arp inspection statistics
This command displays the statistics of the ARP packets processed by Dynamic ARP Inspection. Give
the vlan-list argument and the command displays the statistics on all DAI-enabled VLANs in that list.
Give the single vlan argument and the command displays the statistics on that VLAN. If no argument is
included, the command lists a summary of the forwarded and dropped ARP packets.
show ip arp inspection statistics [vlan <vlan-list>]
Specifies VLAN ID in a list. The range of VLAN ID is 1 to 4093.
Default Setting
Command Mode
Privileged Exec
Display Message
The VLAN ID for each displayed row.
The total number of valid ARP packets forwarded in this VLAN.
: The total number of not valid ARP packets dropped in this VLAN.
DHCP Drops:
The number of packets dropped due to DHCP snooping binding database match
ACL Drops:
The number of packets dropped due to ARP ACL rule match failure.
DHCP Permits:
The number of packets permitted due to DHCP snooping binding database match.
ACL Permits:
The number of packets permitted due to ARP ACL rule match.
Bad Src MAC:
The number of packets dropped due to Source MAC validation failure.
Bad Dest MAC:
The number of packets dropped due to Destination MAC validation failure.
Invalid IP:
The number of packets dropped due to invalid IP checks.