Installation and operating instructions Q
³ series
Version 1.0, Stand 27.04.2015
Installation and operating instructions
³ series
Select the menu item “LAN” and then select “Activate LAN”. Port 1 of the inverter
is now configured as a LAN interface (Ethernet) so you can integrate your inverter
into your network.
The Q3 ENERGIE Photovoltaic inverter offers the convenient option of obtaining an
IPv4 address, net mask and a DNS server via an DHCP server in the network.
Most routers have this function activated as a default function. If you do not
operate a DHCP server in your network, or if you wish to assign your inverter an
IPv4 address manually, you can do this in the inverter display.
Please note that the selection menus for the individual components are not
available if the Ethernet is switched off.
You set the field bus address for your inverter in this menu. Please note that each
bus address must only be used once within the whole inverter group.
If your inverter is connected directly to your invoicing measuring device (meter),
you can adjust your inverter to the requirements of the invoicing measuring
device. Set the necessary pulses per measured kWh.
In this menu item you can change your password or reset your web password to
the factory default setting.
Factory default setting: User name "admin"
Password "admin"
This submenu is intended for your installer. You need the installer password to
make any settings in this menu.
If necessary the installer password can be requested from Q3.
Please note carefully that an incorrect configuration could lead to the
remuneration for the power you feed into the grid being refused.
This submenu is completely run through in the Installation Assistant (see Chapter
5.17) and the settings should be identical to your system. Should you have
expanded your system, please adjust the parameters that have changed.
It is compulsory that the number of MPP trackers, the DC power of your system,
the value of the voltage increase protection and the feed-in management are all
correctly entered.