15.7 File incomplete. Continue anyway?
This error message occurs when there is a problem with the generated G-code and it could
potentially fail the whole print.
The most common cause is removing the SD card too
early from your PC while the G-code was still exporting.
The printer automatically looks
for the command M84 (disable motors) in the end section of a g-code file. If it’s not detected,
you will get a warning. You can still continue printing if you wish, but you should probably
examine the file. Files generated by vast majority of slicers should be OK with this control,
but you may experience problems with some less common software. We recommend using
PRINT FAN ERROR error message occurs when the print fan does not receive any RPM
(Revolutions per Minute) readings. In other words, there is something preventing it from
spinning. Check the fan for any plastic debris and clean it if necessary. Also, make sure that
the fan is properly plugged into the electronics and that the cable is undamaged.
The EXTR. FAN ERROR message appears when the extruder fan does not receive any
RPM (Revolutions per Minute) readings. In other words, there is something preventing it
from spinning. Check the fan for any plastic debris and clean it if necessary. Also, make sure
that the fan is properly plugged into the electronics board and that the cable is undamaged.
15.10 Blackout occurred. Recover print?
This error message’ appears if the power goes off for a longer period of time during printing,
and the hotend and heatbed already cooled down. The printer will wait for your input. Check
if the object is still attached to the heatbed and then you can safely resume the print.
15.11 Please open the idler and remove the filament manually
This error message occurs when the automatic filament unloading process did not work
properly and you need to remove the filament manually. Follow our guide at
to fix this issue.
15.12 Static memory has been overwritten
This error message should not appear on our official firmware releases as these have
already gone through our testing. However, it can appear in self- or community-built firmware
versions. The easiest solution is to flash in an official firmware