If the prints still do not want to get loose or you need to bend the sheet too much
(which you should not do), try to bend the sheet
7.2 Printer Control
There are two ways to control the printer. You can use the LCD panel integrated with the
printer, or you can connect your computer via the USB cable. We suggest the
LCD panel
because of its speed and reliability, and moreover you do not have to rely on a computer.
7.2.1 LCD screen
The main screen is an
information screen
displaying the most important details. They are
the temperature of the nozzle and the heatbed (1, 2), printing time (3) and the actual Z-axis
position (5).
Pict. 14 - LCD layout
1. Nozzle temperature (actual / desired temperature)
2. Heatbed temperature (actual / desired temperature)
3. Progress of printing in % - shown only during the printing
4. Status bar (Prusa i3 MK3S+ ready. / Heating / file_name.gcode, etc.)
5. Z-axis position
6. Printing speed
7. Remaining time estimation
7.2.2 Controlling the LCD screen
Controlling the LCD screen is done by a single control element: a rotational knob that you
press to confirm the selection.
Pict. 15 - LCD screen and control buttons