EDDYTHERM operating manual
Congratulations on your decision to purchase the EDDYTHERM induction heater. PRÜFTECHNIK has been developing
and distributing induction heaters for more than 25 years. On the basis of this extensive experience, PRÜFTECHNIK
offers induction heating technology for a broad spectrum of components: roller bearings, bushings, couplings, rolls,
gear wheels, etc. Our equipment can be used to heat small and large components for shrink fitting.
Advantages of EDDYTHERM induction heaters
Rapid, gentle and continuous heating process
Safe heating process: only the workpiece is heated
No hot oil bath, no risk of overheating
Usable with sealed roller bearings
Environmental advantages: quiet, odorless, clean, optimal energy efficiency
No deformation of workpieces
These are but a few of the many advantages of these units. If you have ideas and suggestions, please let us know –
we will do our best to incorporate your requirements in future versions! If you would like to learn more about how
the EDDYTHERM works, simply contact your PRÜFTECHNIK representative.
We wish you success with your new induction heater.
PRÜFTECHNIK Alignment Systems
January 2011
Ismaning, Germany