Command Line Interface
Tsunami MP-8100 Reference Manual
1.2.6 List Commands
Using this feature, you can view a list of commands or arguments when you type the Question Mark (
) at the command
prompt. When you enter a particular character followed by
then the command prompt will display all the related
commands or arguments that match the character that you have typed.
1.2.7 Command Line Completion
When you enter a command and then press TAB, it displays the complete command name that you were typing or it displays
a list of commands if there are multiple matches.
System Name (config-vlan)# vlan-status
Identifier <enable(1)/disable(2)> required
System Name (config-vlan)# vlan-status enable
System Name (config-vlan)# vlan-status 1
Note: Here vlan-status is the command, input ranges are enable and
disable. You can give 1 or 2.
System Name > ?
Possible completions:
aad Antenna Alignment Display
clear Clear the statistics
disable Turn off privileged commands
enable Turn on privileged commands
exit Exit from EXEC
ping Send Echo Messages
showShow Running System Information
traceroute Trace Route to Destination
Basic Example
System Name>?
Display all the commands that are available.
System Name>s?
Display all the commands that start with “s”.
System Name>show filtering ?
Display all the commands under filtering.