Enter the Ethernet network’s DNS server address in the Preferred DNS
server: field.
Enter a second address in the Alternate DNS server: field if the
network has multiple DNS servers.
Click <OK> to save the changes.
Restart the computer if prompted.
Configuration Examples
The following examples provide configuration information for a number of
different network architectures supported by the Symphony-HRF Cordless
Gateway. Refer to the heading below that corresponds to the type of network
you have installed for configuration instructions.
A Cordless Gateway Connected Directly to a Cable Modem, DSL
Modem, or ISDN Router
If you have a device which provides high-speed Internet access, such as an
ISDN router, external cable modem, or external DSL modem connected
directly to a Symphony-HRF Cordless Gateway, your network should look
something like the following:
The network should consist of a number of computers each with a
Symphony-HRF or Symphony adapter installed and a Cordless Gateway
connected to the high-speed Internet device.
In this configuration, the following changes are required:
Changes to the Cordless Gateway’s Topology Parameter
No change is required to this parameter.