GEM-2M series User Manual
2. Server IP/FQDN:
Specify the IP address or domain name of external server.
3. Server Port:
Specify the service port of external server.
4. Server Type:
Select one server type from the option list of “Email Server”, “Syslog
Server”, “RADIUS Server”, “Active Directory Server”, “LDAP Server” and “UAM
Server”. Based on your selection, there are several parameters need to specify.
When you select “Email Server” option for the Server Type, you must specify two
more parameters, “User Name” and “Password”. When “Syslog Server”, no more
parameter is required. When “RADIUS Server”, you can specify primary RADIUS
server and secondary RADIUS server for redundancy. For each server, following
parameters need to be specified: Shared Key, Authentication Protocol (CHAP or
PAP), Session Timeout (1~60 Mins) and Idle Timeout (1~15 Mins). When “Active
Directory” Server, you must specify one more parameter, “Domain”. When “LDAP”
Server, one more parameter, Base Domain Name. When “NT Domains” Server,
one more parameter: “Workgroup”. When “UAM” Server, following parameters
must be provided: “Login URL”, “Shared Secret”, “NAS/Gateway ID”, “Location ID”
and “Location Name”. Among them, Location Name is optional.
5. Server:
Check the “Enable” box to activate the external server object.
3.4.5 MMI Web UI
You can set UI administration time-out duration in this page. If the value is “0”, means
the time-out is unlimited.