GEM-2M series User Manual
In a typical public-key infrastructure (PKI) scheme, the signer is a certificate authority (CA),
usually a company such as VeriSign which charges customers to issue certificates for
them. In a web of trust scheme, the signer is either the key's owner (a self-signed
certificate) or other users ("endorsements") whom the person examining the certificate
might know and trust. The device also plays as a CA role.
Certificates are an important component of Transport Layer Security (TLS, sometimes
called by its older name SSL), where they prevent an attacker from impersonating a
secure website or other server. They are also used in other important applications, such
as email encryption and code signing. Here, it can be used in IPSec tunneling for user
authentication. My Certificates
My Certificates include Root CA and Local Certificate List. Root CA is the top-most
certificate of the tree, the private key of which is used to "sign" other certificates.
Local Certificate is generated in this router. it can be self-signed by its Root CA or just
generate a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) which can be signed by another
external Root CA. Root
The device can serves as the Root CA. Root CA can sign local certificate when
generate by selected self-signed or the Certificate Signing Request (CSR).
You can generate it by clicking on the "Generate" button.