Safety goggles, face visor
Rubber gloves
Protective clothing
25.3.3 Health hazards
A chlorine dioxide gas concentration of over 45 mg ClO
breathing difficulties and leads to irritation of the mucous membranes and
In general, chlorine dioxide causes considerable irritation in the areas of
the mucous membranes of the eyes and breathing organs. Depending on
the concentration and the duration of the effect, the results can include a
danger of suffocation, coughing fits, including vomiting, conjunctivitis and
severe headaches, in severe cases pulmonary oedemas with breathless‐
ness, oxygen starvation symptoms and circulatory failures. In the event of
very brief influence of very high concentrations, there is a risk of laryngo‐
spasm or reflective apnoea or cardiac arrest. Harmful to the nervous
system (e.g. eye muscle paralysis).
25.3.4 First Aid
If clothing comes into contact with chlorine dioxide or its aqueous solution,
immediately remove the clothing and thoroughly wash the skin with soap
and lots of water.
Rinse any splashes into the eyes for several minutes under running water,
keeping the eyes opened.
If chlorine dioxide is inhaled, keep the patient in fresh air, keep absolutely
still, lie horizontally, keep warm.
Inform a doctor immediately, even if discomfort does not become immedi‐
ately apparent. If necessary, transport quickly to a hospital using quick, but
gentle transport.
25.4 More Information
DVGW Data Sheet W 624 " Chlorine dioxide metering systems", Edition
DVGW Worksheet W 224 "Chlorine dioxide in water treatment"
Accident prevention regulation "Chlorination of water" (GUV 8.15)
Ullmann Volume 5, Page 551
Kühn-Birett, Sheet C 20
The information is based on our state of knowledge at the time of these
operating instructions going to print. It is intended to contribute to the safe
handling of aqueous chlorine dioxide solution and, as such, does not have
the purpose of ensuring certain properties. Automatic correction upon revi‐
sion is not guaranteed, also legally non-binding.
This data should only be regarded as an initial starting point for operators.
The operator should also himself obtain the latest information, especially
safety information about chlorine dioxide solutions.
Eye protection:
Hand protection:
First aid
Chlorine dioxide hazardous substance data sheet