Tab.19 Status table heating circuit
The following messages are possible under Heating circuit:
End user (Eu)
Commissioning, Engineer (menu
Limiter has tripped
Limiter has tripped
Manual control active
Manual control active
Floor curing function active
Floor curing function active
Heating mode restricted
Overtemp prot active
Restricted, boiler protection
Restricted, DHW priority
Restricted, buffer
Forced draw
Forced draw DHW
Forced draw source
Overrun active
Comfort heating mode
Opt start ctrl+boost heating
Optimum start control
Boost heating
Comfort heating mode
Reduced heating mode
Optimum stop control
Reduced heating mode
Frost protection active
Frost prot room active
Frost protection flow active
Frost prot plant active
Summer operation
Summer operation
24-hour Eco active
Setback reduced
Setback frost protection
Room temp limitation
Tab.20 Status table domestic water
The following messages are possible under Drinking water:
End user (Eu)
Commissioning, Engineer (menu
Limiter has tripped
Limiter has tripped
Manual control active
Manual control active
Keep hot mode on
Keep hot mode active
Keep hot mode on
Recooling active
Recooling via collector
Recooling via heat gen/HCs
Recooling via DHW/HCs
Charging lock active
Discharging prot active
Charg time limitation active
Charging locked
Forced charging active
Forced, max st tank temp
Forced, max charging temp
Forced, legionella setp
Forced, nominal setp
Push active
Push, legionella setp
Push, nominal setp
Charging active
Charging, legionella setp
9 Settings
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