With prim contr/system pump (5092)
No: The DHW storage tank is supplied without primary controller/feed
Yes: The DHW cylinder is supplied from the primary controller on/by the
feed pump.
With solar integration (5093)
This function sets whether the domestic water storage tank can be
charged using solar energy.
Pump speed min (5101) andPump speed max (5102)
Setting of the minimum and maximum speed of the storage tank charging
pump in percent.
Speed Xp (5103)
The P-band Xp defines the amplification of the controller. A smaller Xp
value leads to a higher actuation of the charging pump with equal control
Speed Tn (5104)
The reset time Tn determines the reaction speed of the controller when
compensating for remaining controller differences. A shorter reset time Tn
leads to faster compensating.
Speed Tv (5105)
The preholding time Tv determines how long a spontaneous change of the
control difference continues to have an effect. A short time only influences
the control variable only for a short time.
Transfer strategy (5130)
The domestic hot water storage tank can be charged from the buffer
storage tank if the buffer storage tank is hot enough. Depending on the
hydraulic circuit, this transfer can be carried out using the charging pump
Q3 or using the St tank transfer pump Q11. If the domestic water
preparation is switched off, the transfer is also switched off.
Off: Transfer does not take place.
Always: If the domestic water operating mode is switched on, heat is
always transferred to the domestic water storage until the nominal
setpoint is reached. If the Legionella function is switched on and the
Legionella time is active, heat will be transferred until the Legionella
setpoint is reached.
DHW release: If the domestic water operating mode is switched on, heat
is always transferred to the domestic water storage tank until the current
setpoint in accordance with the domestic water release times (BZ 1620)
is reached. If the Legionella function is switched on and the Legionella
time is active, heat will be transferred until the Legionella setpoint is
Interm circ boost recharging (5139)
Setpoint boost for charging setpoint on charging sensor B36 with
Intermediate circuit boost (5140)
Setpoint boost for the loading setpoint at the DHW charging sensor B36.
The set value is added to the request.
Excess interm circ temp max (5141)
With this parameter the end criterion of a full charging during control is
specified on the charging sensor B36. If the contents of the stratification
cylinder is charged to the bottom, the temperature increases on the
charging sensor
9 Settings
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