Thermostat: The domestic water temperature is regulated on the basis
of the switching status of a thermostat connected to the DHW sensor
No reduced mode is possible when a DHW thermostat is used.
This means if reduced mode is active, the DHW preparation is
blocked with the thermostat.
No frost protection for DHW! The domestic water frost protection
cannot be guaranteed.
DHW ctrl elem Q3 (5731)
No charging request: DHW charging disabled via Q3.
Charging pump: DHW charging via the connection of a charging pump
to Q3/Y3.
Diverting valve: DHW charging via the connection of a diverting valve to
Basic position DHW div valve (5734)
The base position of the diverting valve is the position in which the
diverting valve (DV) is in if no request is active.
Last request: The diverting valve (DV) remains after the last request has
ended in this last position.
Heating circuit: The diverting valve (DV) goes into the heating circuit
position after the last request has ended.
DHW: The diverting valve (DV) goes into the DHW position after the last
request has ended.
DHW separate circuit (5736)
For multi-boiler systems (cascades), a heat generator can only be
temporarily used for charging the domestic hot water. When active
charging is carried out, this boiler separates itself hydraulically from the
system using a domestic water isolating circuit and is no longer available
for the rest of the time that heating mode is active.
Off: The DHW separate circuit function is disabled. Each available boiler
can feed the DHW storage tank.
On: The DHW separate circuit function is enabled. The DHW charging is
only done from the boiler defined for this.
For a domestic water isolating circuit, the DHW ctrl elem Q3 must
be set to "Diverting valve" under program no. 5731.
Optg action DHW div valve (5737)
Using this parameter the diverting valve position is set, which applies
during active output.
Position on DHW: during active output the diverting valve is in the DHW
Position on heating circuit: during active output the diverting valve is in
the heating circuit position.
Ctrl boiler pump/DHW valve (5774)
With this parameter it can be defined for special hydraulic systems that the
boiler pump Q1 and the diverting valve Q3 only are responsible for DHW
and heating circuit 1, however not for heating circuits 2 and 3 or for the
external consumer circuits.
All requests: The diverting valve is connected hydraulically for all
requests and switches between DHW mode and the remaining requests.
The boiler pump runs for all requests.
9 Settings
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