Apply when heating main connection montage is performed above ground (pipe casing is
from galvanized lead).
Necessary materials:
- aluminum foil casing;
- wide heat - shrinkable tape -1 piece;
- long patch - 1 piece;
- PUR foam components "A" and "B", (or PUR foam half casings);
- galvanized tinplate casing -1 piece;
- galvanized casing strap - 2 pieces;
- scotch tape;
- materials for alarm system montage (when planned).
Montage equipment and instruments:
- removable PE pipe shaped casing – corresponding to pipe casing diameter;
- standard strap - 2 pieces;
- gas torch;
- hand drilling machine;
- drills: Ø25 mm and Ø3 mm;
- measuring bowl -2 pieces;
- bowl for preparation and filling of the component;
- mixer;
- sand paper;
- degreasing liquid (for example acetone);
- broom or a rag for cleaning;
- protective goggles and gloves;
- hand saw (if PUR foam half casings are used);
- soldering unit for alarm wire montage;
- megahommeter for alarm system testing.
Montage sequence:
1. If insulation at pipe ends is damaged or wet, cut damaged part. Check and connect
alarm wires, if alarm system is anticipated.
2. Place aluminum foil around pipe connection area, shape cover – casing. Bend casing
edge at least 50 mm in one direction. Place aluminum casing symmetrically to pipe
casing with wide cut, not less than 50 mm. Using scotch tape secure all the connection
points in aluminum casing and its connection to pipe casing.
3. Place removable PE casing on top of the aluminum casing and secure it to pipe casing
using straps.
4. Drill in removable PE casing and aluminum casing an opening of Ø25 mm for pouring in
the components and Ø3 mm for air release (see connection montage Type 1, step 3
and 4). When performing further montage, through PE casing drill openings in aluminum
casing, that way only one PE casing will be used throughout the montage process (for
one diameter).
5. Prepare a mix of components "A" and "B" and pour in the drilled opening of Ø25 mm
(see connection montage Type 1, step 11).
6. In order to reduce PUR foam from leaking out, close Ø25 mm opening in PE casing, for
example with self made wooden plug or special aluminum plug with cone-shaped end.
7. After 15 min. remove PE casing and wait until the end of PUR reaction (~2,5 hr).