CIP Training
Plockmatic LCT3500 Large Capacity Tray
Troubleshooting - Fault codes
Fault Codes
LCT-461 Paper flow error Q522
Paper flow error Q522 is a paper flow error detection. Paper flow error checks sensor sta-tus
during running, both previous and following sensors in transport direction are checked when
paper leading/trailing edge is detected by a paper path sensor. Sensors Q521 and Q322 are
checked when paper leading edge comes to Q522. Q521 should be covered and Q322 should
be uncovered.
Sensor Q521 and Q322 are also checked when paper trailing edge comes to Q522. Q521
should be uncovered and Q322 should be covered. A jam condition is generated if the
described status is not detected.
Ensure that US DSD sensor Q502 is clean and calibrated properly (see sensor calibra-tion
procedure in this section of the manual)
Check that there are no obstructions in the paper path
LCT-501 Jam in LCT paper path
Jam in LCT paper path is a paper check error detection. Jam in LCT paper path checks if a
sheet is in the paper path on sensors Q321/322/323/325/326/327 at cycle down. A jam
condition is generated if any of these sensors is covered.
Ensure that sensors Q321/322/323/325/326/327 are clean (these sensors are located on the
vertical paper path of the LCT. Reach these sensors by opening the front door and the
jam clearance baffles)
Check that there are no obstructions in the paper path
LCT-550 Clear paper path LCT
Clear paper path LCT indicate that there are sheets inside paper path detected by
Q321/322/323/325/326/327 after closing jam clearance door. A jam condition is generated if
any of these sensors is covered.
Ensure that sensors Q321/322/323/325/326/327 are clean (these sensors are located on the
vertical paper path of the LCT. Reach these sensors by opening the front door and the
jam clearance baffles)
Check that there are no obstructions in the paper path
LCT-551 Paper late to exit position
Paper late to exit position is a paper flow error detection. Paper late to exit position error
checks that paper is in exit position Q327 when the printer asks for paper. A Jam condi-tion
is generated if Q327 is not covered in time.
Ensure that sensor Q327 is clean (this sensor is mounted on the clearance baffle locat-ed
on the exit side of the machine, the closest one to the downstream device)
Check that there are no obstructions in the paper path
For components locations, refer to the
Guide to Components