Page 4.13
You can use the rotary controls (Figure 4.13) to set the Voltage Source, Current Sink and Output Resistance of the
Battery Simulator. You can also use the arrow keys and Page Up / Page Down keys to control the selected knob.
Arrow keys will increase or decrease the Voltage knob by 10x the smallest step or the Current knob and Output
Resistance knob by the smallest step.
Page Up / Page Down keys increase or decrease the Voltage knob by 100x the smallest step or Current knob
and Output Resistance knob by 10x the smallest step.
The colored mark in the upper left corner of each knob control is used to indicate which knob is selected.
Clicking on the mark, changes its color (red means selected, blue means not selected), this also applies to the label
inside the knob, indicating that the knob control can receive commands from the keyboard (see Figure 4.13).
button (see Figure 4.13) enables or disables output of the Battery Simulator channel.
As mentioned at the begining of this chapter, certain controls of the Battery Simulator SFP may be disabled
for a particular card type.
Figure 4.13 - The rotary controls and enable control
Numerical values for the rotary controls are displayed under each knob (Figure 4.14). You can use these displays
to alter the settings. Double-click on the numerical display to enable text entry via the keyboard.
There is a tiny progress bar under the voltage, current and resistance displays (Figure 4.14), which indicates
the time delay between changing a value and writing the new setting to the Battery Simulator card. The time is set
to 1000ms as a precaution against sending multiple updates to the card when a knob is adjusted. Immediately after
a new value is written to the card a read command is executed to update the displayed value on the SFP.
Figure 4.14 - The numerical boxes on the SFP showing the output settings
The module includes a facility for an external meter to monitor internal voltages. (Figure 4.15). See Section 7 of this
manual for more information.
Figure 4.15 - Monitor controls display on the SFP