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SmartInfo Browser
SmartInfo used as Browser will display the content you created (preferably with CMND). This content
can be stored on the TV locally or on a dedicated server.
How to upload content for SmartInfo Browser locally:
Create the content with CMND
Save the files into to following folder:
TPM1532HE_CloneData/MasterCloneData/SmartInfoBrowser/ (xxHFL5011)
TPM1531HE_CloneData/MasterCloneData/SmartInfoBrowser/ (xxHFL7011)
The folder ‘TPM1532HE_CloneData’ or ‘TPM1531HE_CloneData’ should be in the root of the
USB flash drive
Switch ON the TV, insert the USB with the new content
Go to [
Professional settings
] [
Upgrade and Clone
] [
Clone USB to TV
] menu and press “
” to
upload the pictures in the TV
Once done, exit [
Professional settings
] and reboot the TV and check your changes
Make sure your settings in the [
Professional settings
] are correct to show the browser content
in SmartInfo
In case you are using a separate server for hosting the content:
In this case all the required SmartInfo Metadata along with the configuration XML shall be
hosted on the server which shall be loaded from the [
Server URL
Every time the “SmartInfo” key is pressed the TV shall search and load/reload
Once “SmartInfoBrowserMetaData.xml” is loaded, based on the content of
“SmartInfoBrowserMetaData.xml”, the TV shall retrieve everything from the server