Proper use
Proper use
is available in four versions. The special applications of the individual versi-
ons are described below, see Chapter
2.02 Machine versions
. All the machine versions are
used for continuous sealing of thin, thermoplastic materials, such as e.g. fleeces, felts,
woven and knitted fabrics using ultrasonics.
Any use of these machines which is not approved by the manufacturer shall be
considered as improper use! The manufacturer shall not be liable for any dama-
ge arising out of improper use! Proper use shall also be considered to include
compliance with the operation, adjustment, service and repair measures speci-
fied by the manufacturer!
Fig. 2 - 01
Machine versions
Post version
(PFAFF 8310-041/001)
The post version is particularly suitable for
heat-sealing three-dimensional shapes, such
as e.g. hoods, caps, pouches etc. With the
aid of the post, two parts can be joined to-
gether flat or one part sealed to form a shor-
ter tube. To do so the part is wrapped around
the post and then sealed from out of the
post (e.g. the lengthwise seam of a sleeve
or a filter tube).
On the post-bed version the top roller is the