This document is printed from SPI². Not for RESALE
Maintenance Section
ll Capacities
Table 25
Percentage of Sulfur in
the fuel
Oil change interval
Lower than 0.5
0.5 to 1.0
0.75 of normal
Greater than 1.0
0.50 of normal
Lubricant Viscosity Recommendations
The correct SAE viscosity grade of oil is determined
by the minimum ambient temperature during
cold engine start-up, and the maximum ambient
temperature during engine operation.
Refer to Table 26 (minimum temperature) in order
to determine the required oil viscosity for starting a
cold engine.
Refer to Table 26 (maximum temperature) in order
to select the oil viscosity for engine operation at the
highest ambient temperature that is anticipated.
Generally, use the highest oil viscosity that is
available to meet the requirement for the temperature
at start-up.
Table 26
Engine Oil Viscosity
Ambient Temperature
Viscosity Grade
SAE 0W20
40 °C (
40 °F)
10 °C (50 °F)
SAE 0W30
40 °C (
40 °F)
30 °C (86 °F)
SAE 0W40
40 °C (
40 °F)
40 °C (104 °F)
SAE 5W30
30 °C (
22 °F)
30 °C (86 °F)
SAE 5W40
30 °C (
22 °F)
40 °C (104 °F)
SAE 10W30
20 °C (
4 °F)
40 °C (104 °F)
SAE 15W40
10 °C (14 °F)
50 °C (122 °F)
Synthetic Base Stock Oils
Synthetic base oils are acceptable for use in
these engines if these oils meet the performance
requirements that are speci
ed for the engine.
Synthetic base oils generally perform better than
conventional oils in the following two areas:
Synthetic base oils have improved
ow at low
temperatures especially in arctic conditions.
Synthetic base oils have improved oxidation
stability especially at high operating temperatures.
Some synthetic base oils have performance
characteristics that enhance the service life of the
oil. Perkins does not recommend the automatic
extending of the oil change intervals for any type of
ned Base Stock Oils
ned base stock oils are acceptable for
use in Perkins engines if these oils meet the
performance requirements that are speci
ed by
Perkins. Re-re
ned base stock oils can be used
exclusively in
nished oil or in a combination with
new base stock oils. The US military speci
and the speci
cations of other heavy equipment
manufacturers also allow the use of re-re
ned base
stock oils that meet the same criteria.
The process that is used to make re-re
ned base
stock oil should adequately remove all wear metals
that are in the used oil and all the additives that
are in the used oil. The process that is used to
make re-re
ned base stock oil generally involves the
process of vacuum distillation and hydrotreating the
used oil. Filtering is adequate for the production of
high quality, re-re
ned base stock oil.
Lubricants for Cold Weather
When an engine is started and an engine is operated
in ambient temperatures below
20 °C (
4 °F), use
multigrade oils that are capable of
owing in low
These oils have lubricant viscosity grades of SAE
0W or SAE 5W.
When an engine is started and operated in ambient
temperatures below
30 °C (
22 °F), use a synthetic
base stock multigrade oil with an 0W viscosity grade
or with a 5W viscosity grade. Use an oil with a pour
point that is lower than
50 °C (
58 °F).
The number of acceptable lubricants is limited in
cold weather conditions. Perkins recommends the
following lubricants for use in cold weather conditions:
First Choice –
Use oil with an EMA DHD-1
Recommended Guideline. Use a CH-4 oil that has
an API license. The oil should be either SAE 0W20,
SAE 0W30, SAE 0W40, SAE 5W30, or SAE 5W40
lubricant viscosity grade.
Second Choice –
Use an oil that has a CH-4
additive package. Although the oil has not been
tested for the requirements of the API license, the oil
must be either SAE 0W20, SAE 0W30, SAE 0W40,
SAE 5W30, or SAE 5W40.