RCS Climbing Device and Hydraulics
Assembly Instructions
Fig. 22: Filling piece
Part C Maintenance
C3 Maintenance and Repairs
C3.4 Replacing the hydraulic oil
Drain hydraulic oil and clean oil tank:
1. Completely retract the piston rod.
2. Clean hydraulic tank especially in the
area of the filling piece.
3. Switch off the pump and drain the
hydraulic oil in a warm condition.
4. Remove the oil drain screw (3.4a) –
hex. screw SW 10.
5. Completely drain the tank.
6. Clean hydraulic tank if necessary.
7. Clean return flow filter or replace if
8. Check ventilation filter in the filling
piece (3.6) for signs of dirt.
9. For extremely dirty equipment or
when changing the hydraulic oil, rinse
with separate oil.
10. Drain flushing oil from the hydraulic
tank and clean once again if neces-
Instructions for the safe handling
of hydraulic oil are included in the
safety data sheet of the oil selected
for use.
Avoid body contact and contact
with the structure. Information on
cleaning and correct disposal are
included in the safety data sheet of
the hydraulic oil selected for use.
Filling with new hydraulic oil:
1. Pouring in hydraulic oil via the filter.
– Fill tank only up to the top marking.
Avoid overfilling!
– The hydraulic oil used must be free of
water and dirt.
– Pour in hydraulic oil using a clean
filling sieve (separate filling sieve, filling
funnel with sieve insert, or using an
ultra-fine filter).
– Do not mix hydraulic oils from different
manufacturers and quality.
2. Close the filling opening with end cap.
3. Check the oil level.
4. Check the tightness of the oil tank
(e.g. cap, pipe penetrations, flanges).
5. Record type of oil used and amount in
the maintenance chart.
Recommended hydraulic oil:
HVLP 46 – DIN 51524,
e.g. PERI Hydraulic Oil HV LP46, 20 L,
Item no. 057376.
Filling quantity: max. 22 litres.