Product User Manual
Pacific Broadband Networks
18 July 2014
Page 29 of 62
4. W
ith a laptop connected to the ASMM module’s network or an Android device connected to
the front of the ASMM module’s USB port in host mode. Select the port for the transmitter that
needs to be adjusted, confirm that the “
Input AGC mode
” is set to “
”, if not change it to
” and then click on “
” button. In addition, confirm that the “
Broadcast MGC
” and
Narrowcast MGC
” fields are set to 0.0, if not set to 0.0 and click on “
” button.
Confirm in the management “
” section that the RF levels for BC or BC and NC inputs
and the RF Composite Input Power are within the designated parameters.
6. Confirm that the "
Alarm Setting[s]
" are enabled if BC is only in use or that they are both
enabled for BC and NC if both RF inputs are in use. Check the required selection and click on
” to enable/disable alarms.