Appendix H: Boe-Bot Navigation Contests
· Page 337
Each contestant’s score is calculated by taking the time needed to complete the course (in
seconds) minus 10% for each "accomplishment." The contestant with the lowest score
Table H-1:
Line Following Scoring
Percent Deducted
Stops in area A after reaching B and C
Does not touch any walls
Starts on command
("Starts on command" means the robot starts with an external, non-tactile command. This
could, for example, be a sound or light command.)
The grand maze is intended to present a test of navigational skills by an autonomous
robot. The scoring is done in such a way as to favor robots which are either brutally fast
or which can learn the maze after one pass. The object is for a robot, which is set down at
the entrance of the maze, to find its way through the maze and reach the exit in the least
amount of time.
Physical Characteristics
The maze is constructed of 3/4" shop-grade plywood. The walls are approximately 24
inches high, and are painted in primary colors with glossy paint. The walls are set on a
grid with 24-inch spacing. Due to the thickness of the plywood and limitations in
accuracy, the hallways may be as narrow as 22 inches. The maze can be up to 20-feet
square, but may be smaller, depending on the space available for the event.
The maze will be set up on either industrial-type carpet or hard floor (depending on
where the event is held). The maze will be under cover, so your robot does not have to be
rain proof; however, it may be exposed to various temperatures, wind, and lighting