· Page 345
standoffs, 92, 100, 167
start/reset indicator, 106
StartValue, 74
, 75
, 75
STOP, 248
straightening the trajectory, 130
subroutine call, 140, 141
subroutine label, 141
subroutines, 140
summing junction, 278
- T -
tactile switches, 165
tail wheel, 97
threshold voltage, 197
timing diagram, 52, 56
tokens, 146
tolerance, 309
tones, 106
tools required, 91
transfer curve, 115
Transmit windowpane, 111
BASIC Stamp to PC communication, 301
electrical tape course, 289
IR detectors, 241
photoresistor voltage divider, 199
servos, 103, 104, 105
Tyvek, 336
- U -
US232B, 14
USB to Serial Adapter, 13, 14
USB to Serial Adaptor, 5
- V -
VAR, 71
variable, 71
declare, 72
default value, 72
initialize, 72
VAR, 71
variable sizes, 71
Vbp, 64
Vdd, 49, 311
Vin, 311
voltage, 49
voltage divider, 197
Vss, 311
- W -
What’s a Microcontroller? Student
Guide, 2
whisker wires, 167
Word, 71
Word modifier, 153
µF, 205