Displaying System Information
June 1997
PVC Performance Statistics
Permanent Virtual Circuit performance statistics only appear when PVCs ( V ) is
selected from the screen function keys area at the bottom of the Network, Port-1,
Port-2, BRI-B1, and BRI-B2 Frame Relay screens.
Follow this menu sequence:
Main Menu
Performance Statistics
[Port 1/Port 2/BRI-B1/BRI-B2]
For a specific DLCI on a BRI interface, statistics are kept on one of the
B channels. To determine which B channel includes a particular DLCI, look at
the BRI-B1 and/or BRI-B2 interface’s LMI Reported DLCIs screen
(Path: main/status/dlcis/ [BRI-B1/BRI-B2]).
For total activity for a DLCI over the backup channels, check the DLCI’s
statistics on both BRI interfaces. Multiple backups of the DLCI may have
occurred, and backup may not have occurred over the same BRI interface
each time.
What It Indicates
Interface’s PVC
DLCI number selected for display of the PVC statistics for a
specific DLCI.
This is a DLCI selection or entry field.
Tx/ Rx Characters
Number of data octets ( 8-bit bytes) sent/received for the
selected DLCI on the interface.
Tx / Rx Frames
Number of frames sent/received for the DLCI on the interface.
Tx / Rx Frames
Within CIR
Number of frames sent/received for the DLCI on the interface
that are within the committed information rate that had been
Tx / Rx Frames
Exceed CIR
Number of frames sent/received for the DLCI on the interface
that exceed the committed information rate that had been
Tx / Rx Frames
Number of frames dropped for the DLCI on the interface due to
CIR enforcement or congestion control.
Tx / Rx Frames
With DE
Number of frames sent/received for the DLCI on the interface
that have the discard eligible bit set.