Issue 1 April 1994
Table 5-2 shows in detail how the high-speed data-only feature
of VoiceSpan is used.
Table 5-2. Data-Only Mode (1 of 2)
Originating End
Answering End
The users are in a VoiceSpan session, with simultaneous audio
and data communication.
One user prepares to send a
large graphics file.
The remote user prepares the
DTE application to receive the
After initiating the send, the
user decides to use a burst of
speed to hurry completion.
(This can be done at any time,
however.) The user taps the
telephone hookswitch. This
instantly puts the DataPort
2001 in high-speed data-only
mode. (The user also could
hang up the phone or issue the
+++ escape sequence followed
by the AT%VH1 command to
invoke data-only mode.)
The remote user hears a
periodic tone series meaning
the other user can no longer
communicate by voice.
Because the other user still
can hear, the user receiving
the file can orally acknowledge
that the file is received intact.