Issue 1 April 1994
If the DataPort 2001 is correctly connected, you will hear a
dial tone followed by the sound of the DataPort 2001 dialing
the telephone number. The OH (off-hook) light turns ON.
(For Pulse dialing, the OH light flashes as digits are dialed.)
The DataPort 2001 then hangs up and displays an OK. (The
OH light turns Off.)
This brief test indicates that your DataPort 2001 is correctly
connected to the telephone line. If you would like to register
on the AT&T BBS, proceed to Step 2.
If you do not hear a dial tone, make sure the telephone cord
is connected to both the DataPort 2001 and the telephone
wall outlet. Otherwise, refer to Chapter 4,
2. Dial the AT&T BBS and logon as a new user.
(If your telephone system uses Pulse dialing (rotary) instead
of Tone dialing, type ATDP instead of ATDT.)
At this point, you hear the DataPort 2001 go off-hook; dial
the telephone number, and connect with another modem.
A series of high-pitched tones, which is the handshaking
process, defines this stage of the connection. (The
handshaking process occurs when the two modems
connect, and then spend a brief period deciding how to
transfer data, the speed of the transfer, and if error control is
After handshaking is negotiated, a CONNECT message
appears on your monitor (and scrolls out of view), and then
the AT&T Paradyne DataPort Technical Support banner
3. Enter your full name, city and state, information about
your computer, and password when prompted.
You are now logged on to the AT&T Paradyne BBS, and can
scan the BBS for documentation updates and general
information about your DataPort 2001 and other dial modem
products offered by AT&T.